About me


Belén Rezola graduated from the San Fernando Faculty of Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid, specializing in painting, and later expanded her studies in Interior Design at IADE, graduated in Applied Arts, specializing in Decoration, at the School of Arts and Crafts Madrid and studied Restoration of Pictures.

My vocation (for drawing and painting) came when I was very young. I spent my time drawing everybody and evergything. When I finished my BAC it was crystal clear to me that I wanted to study Fine Arts.

The entry exam to Univertsity was very tough, so I prepared myself thoroughly at the Peña Academy in Madrid anda was admitted at the first attempt.

Five years of my life passed in a whirl and in 1980 I graduated with a Masters in Fine Arts and as an Art professor. Since then I divide my time between painting and teaching.

I have numerous exhibitions, on my own and collectively with other artists, In Spain, France and Luxembourg. I’ve taugh at schools, institutes and acedemies in Spain an Luxembug.

For me, painting is a form of expression that hits the beholder through his fellings. It involves the composition, the colours, the technique, the harmony… And them comes the expression, what we artists leave behind in every painting, our soul.

I don’t belive we should be following a particular style, nor should we paint what is in fashion, we just have to do our fellings tell us at every moment.

Painting us a solitary journey, in wich you start one way and end up differently.

It’s tru though that we are influenced, it is unavoidable. I started at the Prado museum, with Velazquez, Goya, El Greco, El Bosco and so many others. Later came impressionism and cubism, and today the abstract expressionism. I have learned from all. I have moved from realism, painting what you see, to abstraction, deconstructing what you see, from crafting to thinking.

I look forward to continue evolving, with still a lot to learn, to share and teach.

Con esta mancha conseguí el acceso a la facutltad de Bellas Artes. Examen de ingreso en Bellas Artes. Julio 1975

Los momentos importantes de mi carrera




Lo más alto

¿Qué se puede decir de mis cuadros?

Sólo se me ocurre una cita de Gustav Klimt:

No estoy acostumbrado a hablar en público o a escribir, y menos todavía si se trata de mi mismo o de mi trabajo… Quien quiera saber algo sobre mí como artista digno de interés, debe contemplar mis cuadros con atención e intentar reconocer en ellos lo que soy y lo que busco



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La simplicidad es la máxima sofisticación

– Leonardo da Vinci



Cuando conozca tu alma, pintaré tus ojos

– Amadeo Modigliani



Un dibujo es simplemente una línea que va a dar un paseo

– Paul Klee

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